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I Chose Not To Have Kids Because I’m Afraid For The Planet

Growing up Mormon, I was taught that having babies is part of God’s plan. Today, I believe that humans owe it to each other (and the world) not to. Ash SandersBuzzFeed Contributor Posted on July 24, 2019, at 1:29 p.m. ET Tallulah Fontaine for BuzzFeed News When I first made the decision not to have a baby, in 2008, I did it because I couldn’t imagine bringing another human into...

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Where Is The Human Boom Leading Us In An Age Of Climate Change?

JULY 25, 2019 LANCE OLSEN: NO ONE WANTS TO TALK ABOUT OVERPOPULATION BUT IT, ALONG WITH FOSSIL FUEL-DRIVEN ECONOMIC GROWTH AND RESOURCE CONSUMPTION, ARE SETTING US UP FOR A CRASH, HE SAYS by Lance Olsen Map courtesy William H. Frey/Brookings Institution Robert Thomas Malthus wrote about it and so has a series of others, including Paul Ehrlich, Donella Meadows and many of her contemporaries,...

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In Praise of Demographic Decline

Jul 2, 2019 ADAIR TURNER, Project Syndicate Our expanding ability to automate human work across all sectors – agriculture, industry, and services – makes an ever-growing workforce increasingly irrelevant to improvements in human welfare. That’s good news for most of the world, but not for Africa. LONDON – Every two years, the United Nations issues its latest estimate of future population...

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Women Are Sharing The Devastating Reason They’re Deciding Not To Have Children

Laura Paddison, HuffPost |July 1, 2019 There’s a moment in the evening when I go to check on my children in their beds. I stay and watch them sleep for a while, enjoying their peaceful, steady breathing and the rare stillness in their faces. I feel a wave of love for them but also a jab of fear. There were many things I expected to experience when I became a parent. Love, a fierce sense...

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If the issue is not enough babies, Mike Lee is part of the problem, not the solution

By George Pyle. The Salt Lake Tribune “Sure overpopulation is a problem. That’s why people should have lots of babies. Because one day, one of those babies is going to grow up and solve that problem.” — Ted Baxter In geometry, any two points make a line. In professional punditry, any three points constitute a meaningful trend. • Point 1: Utah’s Sen. Mike Lee made a total fool of himself by standing...

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Sen. Mike Lee criticizes the Green New Deal

By Thomas Burr, The Salt Lake Tribune, March 26, 2019 Washington • To poke fun at a liberal plan to tackle climate change, Sen. Mike Lee on Tuesday took to the Senate floor with a poster of President Ronald Reagan riding a dinosaur while firing a machine gun. No joke. The Utah Republican, a serious conservative not generally known for prop-supported political stunts, said his point was that the...

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How Much Immigration is too Much?

DAVID FRUM-THE ATLANTIC-APRIL 2019 ISSUE I. The Wave That’s Still Building Through much of the 20th century, the United States received comparatively few immigrants. In the 60 years from 1915 until 1975, nearly a human lifetime, the United States admitted fewer immigrants than arrived, legally and illegally, in the single decade of the 1990s. If you grew up in the 1950s, the 1960s, or even the 1970s,...

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