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Mission Statement, Values, & History

Vision Statement

We envision a sustainable, healthy, and happy human population living in harmony with the natural environment.

UPEC’s Mission Statement

To achieve a sustainable, healthy, and happy human population living in harmony with the natural environment.

Our Values

  • Reproductive freedom
  • Gender equity
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Quality of life for present and future generations
  • Thinking globally, acting locally
  • Sustainability and ecological integrity


The first organizational meeting of the Utah Population and Environment Coalition (UPEC) was on December 17, 1997. The Coalition received three small grants from the National Audubon Society that assisted in our efforts from Sept. 1998 through June 2002. Through the years the Coalition continued to address the on-going concerns of population increases and resource consumption in Utah, particularly along the Wasatch Front.

UPEC originally formed under the name of Utah Population and Environment Coalition. The Coalition was a program component of the Wellness Health and Lifestyle Education (WHALE) Center. WHALE is private non profit 501(c)(3) organization.

The association with WHALE was a very productive and useful time, but for various reasons UPEC Board members thought it best to become a separate organization. Beginning in 2016, UPEC operates solely under the name of Utah Population and Environment Council and is its own private non profit 501(c)(3) organization.