Author: Utah Population & Environmental Council
Current News:
4-12-2015: Smart Girls vs. Bombs, by Nicholas Kristof. Details at:
“To reduce birthrates, it particularly helps to educate girls: Every extra four years of primary schooling for a girl is linked to about one fewer child.”
3-26-2015: 16 Writers on the Decision to not have...
UPEC Picks
A UPEC pick!
Mark Thomas, Truth, Population, and Mormon Symbolism, August, 2014:
Former board member Mark Thomas’ updated essay on Truth and Population in Mormon writings and symbolism.
Another UPEC pick! – the SUNZEE Car:
Solar Powered Vehicles for a Sustainable Future – a project of UPEC Board Member, Dr. Andrew Schoenberg
And Another UPEC pick!
Alan Weisman, Countdown,...
Learning More
LEARN! Here are additional resources, links, and related information to keep you current, aware, and enhance your (and our) perspectives. Enjoy.
Population and Development:
Low Fertility? Really...
children, development, family planning, fertility, growth, husbands, parents, population
Utah is growing… fast!
Population affects everyone’s quality of life
Quality Lives for Future Generations
Connecting Population to Quality of Life