Author: Utah Population & Environmental Council
Three-quarters of Utah’s population lives around Great Salt Lake, one of the fastest-growing areas of thecountry. It’s also an oasis for more than 10 million migratory birds passing through every year.
Although Utah is one of the least densely populated states in the U.S., more than 2 million people arecrowded along the Wasatch Front. The Great Salt Lake provides a stark example of the impact...
UPEC Announces New White Paper
— Monday, August 26, 2019. For immediate release.
The Utah Population and Environment Council (UPEC) announces the immediate release of its new white paper: “Utah’s Fertility Decline: Richer Lives for All.”
Population Connection Talk with Hannah Evans
Hannah Evans will explore the connections between population growth, access to comprehensive healthcare, and environmental sustainability. Through an examination of some of the root causes of population growth, she will highlight the links between poverty, marginalization, women’s rights, and environmental pressures made worse by climate change. Hannah will argue that global development is predicated...
Without Fossil Fuels, a New Population Puzzle
Laurie Mazur wrote this article for YES! Magazine
So how many people can the planet really support?
Originally posted in Yes! Magazine by Laurie Mazur on Mar 22, 2016
How many people can the Earth support? It’s a question that’s been asked for centuries, generating wildly divergent answers—from less than a billion to more than a trillion. Today, the question arises with new urgency as we contemplate...
Nature Journal: Slow down population growth
Orignaly written in Nature Jornal by John Bongaarts
Within a decade, women everywhere should have access to quality contraceptive services, argues John Bongaarts.
George Osodi/Panos
Oshodi market in Lagos.
In 2100, our planet is expected to be home to 11.2 billion people. That’s a more than 50% increase on today’s 7.3 billion1. This expansion of humanity is likely to be spread...
Overpopulation, overconsumption – in pictures
Re-posted from The Guardian
How do you raise awareness about population explosion? One group thought that the simplest way would be to show people
Alan Rusbridger on why you should care about climate change
Join the Guardian’s climate change campaign
Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot is available to buy
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Climate Change, Consumerism, Consumption, deforestation, farming, food securty, oceans, oil, pollution, population, poverty
Though climate change is a crisis, the population threat is even worse
Originally posted at The Guardian by Stephen Emmott
While the Paris climate summit focuses on global warming, the key issue is the prospect of 10 billion people on Earth
The perennial cry: we need to talk about climate change. And this week, with world leaders in Paris, we have been. But only up to a point. For the likely impact of the rising global population is almost entirely absent, not only...
Climate Change, Consumerism, Consumption, Food, Global, Water